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During the road test, you will have a few points subtracted from your score when you make mistakes. If the subtracted points are  30 or less, you will pass the test.

road test

A    Leaving Curb
      1    Fails to observe ... 10
      2    Fails to signal ... 5
      3    Uses mirror only/fails to check blind spot ... 5
B    Turning & Intersections        
      4    Poor judgement approaching or at intersections: ... 10
              - Speed    
              - Turning    
              - Stopping    
              - Observing    
              - Signal    
      5    Fails to stop near center of intersection when waiting to make left turn ... 10
      6    Turning wide -right ... 5
            Turning short -right    
      7    Turning wide -left ... 5
            Turning short -left    
      8    Inattentive to traffic: ... 10
              - Signs    
              - Signals    
              - Lane Markings    
C    Parking, Backing & U-Turn        
      9    Fails to signal ... 5
    10    Fails to adequately observe/use caution ... 10
    11    Unable to park properly ... 15
    12    Unable to make a 3-point turn ... 15
    13    Excessive space for parking/too far from curb ... 5
    14    Excessive maneuvers in ... 5
              - 3-point turn    
              - Parking    
D    Driving in Traffic        
    15    Fails to keep right ... 10
    16    Improper lane of traffic ... 10
    17    Follows too closely ... 10
    18    Speed excessive for conditions: ... 15
              - Traffic    
              - Weather    
              - Road    
    19    Too slow/impedes traffic flow ... 15
    20    Fails to yield-right-of way to ... 15
              - Pedestrians    
              - Other    
    21    Poor judgement in traffic ... 10
    22    When changing lanes, fails to ... 10
              - Observe    
              - Signal    
              - Use Caution    
    23    Fails to anticipate actions of: ... 10
              - Pedestrians    
              - Other    
    24    Fails to anticipate potential hazards ... 10
E    Vehicle Control        
    25    Repeated stalling ... 10
    26    Poor engine control / acceleration  ... 10
    27    Poor Steering control: ... 15
              - Turning    
              - Straight driving    
              - Maneuvers    
    28    Delayed braking/abrupt braking ... 10
    29    Poor use of gears ... 10
              - Automatic    
              - Manual    
    30    Poor clutch control
 ... 5
    31    Poor reactions to emergencies
 ... 10
    32    Unfamiliar with Controls 
... 10

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